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How to use bidet? Part 1: Standalone bidet

Bidets are more common worldwide but they are still relatively a new concept in the U.S. Most people may have heard of standalone bidets which are the oldest and most commonly used in European countries. This type of bidet typically locates right next to your toilet where you can easily...

What Causes Global Warming

When carbon dioxide and other air pollutants collect in the atmosphere. It absorbs sunlight and solar radiation that bounce off the earth’s surface which causes the overall temperature of the earth to increase. Along with the greenhouse effects that trap the heat from escaping into space but still allow sunlig…

Earth Day

Every year on April 22nd, asides from taking the time to appreciate the earth and mother nature. It is the day that we should be extra conscious about the negative effects that we as human have been causing on earth. Whether it is the global warming, climate change, pollution, deforestation,...

What Is Desertification?

  Human may be the worst source of all the negative impacts that happen on earth. We make conscious decisions every single day and most of our actions have in some ways impact positively or negatively on the environment whether or not we realize it. By living our comfortable lifestyles...

Are Bidet Good for Hemorrhoids?

Let’s get straight to the point. The short Answer is, absolutely! Bidets are excellent for hemorrhoid treatment. Here’s why. There are many different circumstances that may trigger hemorrhoids such as sitting for long period of times, having chronic constipation or diarrhea, being obese or pregnant, cons…

What Is The Difference Between Conventional Toilets And Bidet Toilets?

What are bidet toilets? And how are they differ from the conventional toilets that we use in our everyday lives? In some countries such as Japan, bidets are commonly found in almost every single households and even in some public restrooms. Meanwhile in the United States, due to the lack...

What Is A Bidet?

While bidets are the standard fixture in any Japanese or Italian bathrooms, most of the Americans have never experienced using a bidet throughout their whole life. One of the main reasons why Americans are not familiar with bidet is due to the lack of availability throughout the whole country. It...