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VOVO Nature 7 Non-electric Bidet Toilet Seat, Fits Elongated Toilets, Ambient Water Temperature, Easy Installation - White

-QUIET SOFT CLOSE BIDET SEAT : Enjoy a soft quiet close feature that prevents slamming, enhancing your bathroom experience while promoting comfort and tranquility.
-NON-ELECTRIC BIDET: Our non-electric bidet provides a clean, refreshing finish, ensuring superior hygiene while being eco-friendly and budget-conscious.
-BAMBOO KNOB DESIGN: The stylish bamboo knob design adds an accent to your bathroom decor, allowing easy control for a personalized wash experience.
-EASY INSTALLATION: Easy installation makes this bidet perfect for DIY enthusiasts, ensuring a quick upgrade without the need for a plumber or complex tools.
-CLEAN & REFRESHING FINISH : Enhance your hygiene routine with this bidet, designed for everyone—men, women, and kids—for improved health and comfort with reduced paper usage.

Price :

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VOVO Nature 7 Non-electric Bidet Toilet Seat, Fits Elongated Toilets, Ambient Water Temperature, Easy Installation - White


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vovo bidet toilet

VOVO Nature 7

Add luxurious VOVO bidet to your bathroom

Real Bamboo

Genuine bamboo handle for your bidet.

Soft Damper

Slow Close lid prevents slamming.

Easy installation

Designed for DIY installation,
installing this product does not require a plumber.

Feminine Wash

Turn the handle counterclockwise
to activate feminine.

Posterior Wash

Turn the handle clockwise
to activate posterior.


Easy control with adjustable
feminine, posterior wash

Easily adjust the water pressure to your preference using the Bamboo handle.

Easy Installation

Installs in 20 minutes !

Remove your seat

Connect the bracket

Reattach your seat

Product Size

Nature 7

Nautre 8

2.9 in / 74 mm


Assuring the highest quality from South Korea Manufacturer,
we offer excellent service and product to improve your bathroom experience.

VOVO Nature 7

Add luxurious VOVO bidet to your bathroom

Real Bamboo

Genuine bamboo handle for your bidet.

Soft Damper

No Slam!
Slow close lid prevents slamming.

Easy installation

Designed for DIY installation,
installing this product does not require a plumber.

Feminine Wash

Turn the handle counterclockwise to activate feminine.

Posterior Wash

Turn the handle clockwise to activate posterior.


Easy Control with Adjustable Feminine and Posterior Wash

Easily adjust the water pressure to your preference using the Bamboo handle.

Easy Installation

Installs in 20 minutes !

Remove your seat

Connect the bracket

Reattach your seat

Product Size

Nature 7 (Elongated)

Nature 8 (Round)

2.9 in / 74mm


Assuring the highest quality from South Korea Manufacturer, we offer excellent service and product to improve your bathroom experience.

Written by an anonymous user on

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